Sunday, June 22, 2014

Walking Aids

Both sets of wheels waiting for me to roll. Alan keeps the ATV fueled and I park it right by the south patio.  I can only walk short distances even though I am out of a cast and in a boot.  So I drive the ATV to the garden and walk to the bed on which I am working.  Then I sit down on a stool to work.  Big learning - do not stand and pull weeds.  That causes random pains in the ball of the foot and scares the daylights out of me..

Finally figured out how to elevate and ice my foot.  After 5 weeks I'm learning how to deal.

I got to ride and garden this weekend, life is good with Alan.  He has been working so hard to clean up the garden.  After 5 weeks of neglect, I have lambs quarter in the garden house taller than I am, that is 5 ft. 71/2 in.  I used to be 5 ft. 8 in. and the lambs quarter was taller than that.

Alan went to riding lessons with me as well to help me mount and dismount.  Two more lessons in a boot and then hopefully things will be back to normal.  I am learning a lot riding with no stirrups

Sunday, June 15, 2014

No Time Off For Good Behavior

I worked really, really hard on healing my bones - anti-inflammation smoothies and horsetail herb tea daily.  I worked up to over an inch of fresh ginger in my smoothie.  I added stinging nettles to my horsetail tea.I wiggled my toes at every opportunity.  I was so excited to get my boot, accelerated pulse excited. The doctor said that my foot looked really good. He said that more than once, but I can't do chores, I can't take my boot off to ride.  I can only walk short distances.  I was so bummed!  You do everything right and you can't get a break.  (Was that a bad pun?).

Isn't that a pretty foot?  Don't worry the little toe isn't bleeding; it is polish that we couldn't get off while the foot was in a cast. 

This recovery thing is much more difficult now that I have more opportunity to move.  I'm trying to be really good and not set my healing back. I'm using the Pomodoro technique - 15 minutes working around the house, 15 minutes rest and elevation.  If I notice swelling, I ice and watch and a TV show (recorded) and work on a blog post.

I can ice my foot directly after ankle rolls, toe push ups, ankle flexion and extension.  Yep, I'm not stopping  my rehabilitation program.
 Even if the doctor says it takes 8 weeks to heal bones, I'm sure I'm different, unique.  Isn't that what we all think, that we are special.  Adding fresh tumeric to my anti inflammation smoothie.  Not skipping a beat with the horsetail/stinging nettle tea. I'm paying attention to any pain and swelling - listening to my body or at least trying to learn how to listen my body.